Friday, October 18, 2013

Judas & Halloween

For the past week or so, I have had Lady Gaga's Judas on repeat. I literally cannot stop watching this music video. When possible, I have to see it when listening to it. This video gives me chills. Something about the Christian imagery really hits us westerners in the gut I think. I'm totally fixated on Jesus and the Twelve Apostles styled as a biker gang:

As I've been watching it, I've realized that there are a lot of great costume ideas in here:

However, I'm finding that I really just want to dress up as Judas himself. It's cool, easy, and a great excuse to buy a leather jacket and motorcycle boots if, you know, you're in the money.

You could even do the lipstick smudge!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Power of Composition, via Don't Shoot The Messengers

This morning comes with the gift of finding a gem of a fashion house, Don't Shoot The Messengers (DSTM). Not only is 99% of their work black and exactly my style, but the composition of the website is strong, strange, beautiful and entirely refreshing.

DSTM offers beautiful, modern basics as well as unique items such as catsuits, gauntlets and leather harnesses. I would be perfectly happy owning a wardrobe comprised entirely of their work.

These guys have definitely made my list of people to give money to someday.